How to get seller contact number in olx

On OLX, the platform does not provide direct access to the contact numbers of sellers. The primary mode of communication on OLX is through their messaging system, which allows users to interact with each other while maintaining privacy and security.

To contact a seller on OLX, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the OLX website: Go to or open the OLX app on your mobile device.
  2. Search for the product: Use the search bar or browse through the categories to find the item you are interested in.
  3. Select the product: Click on the listing to view the product details page.
  4. Contact the seller: On the product page, you will typically find a “Chat” or “Message” button. Click on it to open the messaging interface.
  5. Send a message: Type your message to the seller, expressing your interest or asking any relevant questions you may have about the product. Be clear and concise in your communication.
  6. Wait for a response: Once you’ve sent your message, you’ll need to wait for the seller to respond. Keep an eye on your OLX inbox for any replies.
  7. Continue the conversation: Use the messaging system to discuss further details with the seller, such as price negotiations, meeting arrangements, or any other information related to the product.

It’s important to exercise caution and follow safety guidelines while communicating and conducting transactions on OLX. Be wary of any suspicious or fraudulent activities and use your best judgment when interacting with other users.

Remember that OLX encourages users to conduct transactions locally and meet in person whenever possible. If you’re uncomfortable with any aspect of a transaction or suspect fraudulent behavior, it’s advisable to discontinue communication and report the user to OLX.

Please note that the process of contacting sellers on OLX may vary slightly depending on the specific country or region you are accessing OLX from.

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