Lahore Railway Station Phone number

Lahore Railway Enquiry – Find phone numbers & location of Railway Enquiry in Lahore Pakistan at largest online telephone directory of Pakistan.

About Lahore Railway Station: 

Lahore Railway Station is the main railway station in Lahore, Pakistan. It is one of the busiest railway stations in the country and serves as a transportation hub for passengers traveling to and from Lahore and the surrounding areas. The station is located in the heart of the city and is easily accessible by different modes of transportation.

Lahore Railway Station is a part of the Pakistan Railways network and provides services to different parts of the country, including Karachi, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Multan, Faisalabad, and Quetta. The station has several platforms and is equipped with modern facilities, including waiting areas, ticket counters, restaurants, and restrooms.

The station is also a historic landmark in Lahore, as it was built during the British colonial era and has a distinctive architecture that reflects the Mughal and British influences on the city. The Lahore Railway Station is an important part of the city’s cultural heritage and attracts tourists from around the world.

Lahore Railway Station Contact Details

Lahore Railway Station Phone Number

Name Phone No.
Railway Inquiry 117
Railway Reservation (Cantt.) 042 – 35141088
Railway Reservation (City) 042-99070011


Email Address :

Official Website:  www.

Lahore Railway Station Contact Us Page :  www.

 Office Address : 


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